
SPE and the United National Environment Program

The Society of Plastics Engineers SPE: Inspiring Plastics Professionals recently received accreditation from the United Nations Environment Program (hashtag#UNEP) which gives SPE observer status in the United Nations Environment Assembly (hashtag#UNEA).

This accreditation allows SPE to participate in UNEP activities, including, but not limited to, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC). SPE’s participation also includes:
– Attending regional and public meetings
– Submitting written contributions to UNEA working documents
– Circulating written statements to governments

As a new member of one of the Major Groups of UNEP (hashtag#Science and hashtag#Technological Community), SPE will contribute educational and evidence-based expertise to the broader discussion of environmental management of hashtag#plastics and hashtag#polymers. SPE will also share details from the UNEP forum to foster discussion among it’s 22,500 members across the globe.

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